the 15 years I have been working with businesses, and
their computer systems, I have found again and again that
people fail to follow appropriate backup procedures.
you bought a new car, and the agent told you that you
need to have it serviced every 20,000 miles, and change
the oil every 5,000 miles, are you going to believe
what the agent says, or take a chance with your new
car? Letting the oil get dirty and old can increase
engine wear significantly and cost a bundle, when your
engine needs replacing before its time.
buy and install computer systems to solve some business,
administrative or organizational problem - or all three.
We have become so used to the idea of using computers
to run our businesses that we forget that, not so long
ago, businesses were run quite differently - using the
pen, paper and index card method.
implementers of computers were the pioneers who spent
significant amounts of money on hardware and software
so the organizational aspects of their businesses could
be automated. Those who did this well reaped significant
benefits. American Airlines spent millions developing
an airline reservation system, which allowed them to
service clients better, as well as make more efficient
use of plane space, selling tickets at various price
points so that airplanes would fly with more paying
passengers, increasing total revenue significantly.
In addition, American Airlines rented the system to
travel agents and other airlines, allowing them further
the cleaning industry, early implementers of advanced
software and hardware systems found that they could
also service clients better, run their business more
efficiently and with fewer employees. These businesses
gave themselves a competitive advantage. Having a more
efficient business meant that they could cut costs,
and either make larger profits, or be able to be more
competitive in the marketplace when bidding for new
more cleaning businesses learned about the competitive
advantages of computerizing, they also implemented computer
systems. As this happened, the competitive advantage
of the early pioneers was lessened. However, computer
systems were now seen as indispensable to any cleaning
the same time, over the past 10 years, computers have
become very reliable, sturdy and robust. In the early
80s, a 20 Mb hard disk could be expected to last two
years, on average, before it began developing bad sectors,
or it just died altogether. There was nothing as dreadful
as that awful sinking feeling in one's gut when one
turned on the computer one morning and received a perplexing
message indicating that the hard disk had died.
hard disks can easily last five or ten years without
any trace of a problem. The other hardware installed
in your PC will also probably prove just as reliable.
It is highly unusual to see a motherboard fry, or RAM
chips go bad.
you might say, "What's the problem? If things are
so reliable, I don't need to worry, right?"
It is because computers - both hardware and software
- have become so reliable, coupled with the fact that
we make greater reliance upon them, that the effects
of a disaster can be even more devastating. I am frequently
amazed to find that many businesses - both large and
small - have inadequate disaster recovery plans in place.
Some people are using computers without even an adequate
understanding of how their data is stored, and how to
access and backup that data.
are the elements of an adequate backup plan? First,
you should identify where your important data is stored.
Programs are stored in certain locations, and data in
others. Sometimes, the data associated with a particular
program may be in the same folder as the program files.
There is generally some way of determining where the
data for a particular program is stored. If you're not
sure, ask the vendor, or a competent technician, For
example, the data files for The Scheduling Manager (stand-alone
version) are stored in the same folder as the program
files ¾ generally "C:\Scheduling Manager".
These data fields are easily identifiable - they all
have a ".mdb" (for Microsoft Data Base) extension.
another example: Quickbooks stores data in files with
a ".QBW" extension. Generally, the files for
a company called "Acme Associates" will be
named "ACME.QBW", and will be found in the
folder where you chose to install Quickbooks. Files
for Microsoft Word will be stored generally with a ".DOC"
extension, and Excel files with a ".XLS" extension.
have many times encountered case where people do not
know where they are saving their word processing documents.
This amazes me, as I shudder to think of the agony they
will go through of they forget where an important file,
that they took hours to create, might be saved.
After you have identified where your important data
files are, you need to develop a plan where so that
these files can be saved onto an appropriate medium
- floppy disks, CDs, Zip Disks, tape or even another
spare hard drive, specifically designated for backups.
you need backup software - either off-the-shelf software,
or software specifically designed for you - a batch
file, for example. If you don't know how to create a
batch file, you need to get the assistant of a competent
computer consultant. Note that certain backup devices
come with software. Tape drives, and zip disk drives,
for example, generally include backup software. You
can also purchase specific backup software - Cheyenne
Backup for example.
Think about recovery. One of the most critical reasons
for making backups is to protect yourself if a machine
on which you store data goes down. In that case, you
will need to take your backup media - tape, CD, Zip
Disk etc - and be able to easily restore the data on
a new machine, or new hard drive. I have encountered
several situations where a person had a tape backup,
and when the time came to restore data to a new machine,
it was discovered that that particular tape drive was
no longer being sold, and the backup tape was not compatible
with the new tape drive. This meant that we would have
to remove the tape drive from the old machine and install
it on the new one, sometimes a time-consuming operation.
Then one has to pray that one can locate the appropriate
drivers for the tape drive on the new machine - and
the new machine may be running a different version of
the operating system. Then, once the tape drive has
been installed you need to hope that the tape is not
damaged in any way. Some tape drives won't allow you
to read any part of the tape if certain sectors are
best form of backup is some format which can be read
easily by the majority of machines in your office. Read/Write
CD drives are pretty common these days, and you can
pick up blank CD's at a low price too. So, if your data
is stored on a CD in uncompressed form, it can easily
be copied to any location you desire on your new machine
or hard disk.
have sometimes been called in to assist someone in restoring
data after a disk crash. One client had been backing
up once a week for five years on his tape drive. We
reinstalled the Novell Operating System on the hard
disk, using the original Novell installation disks.
Next, we wanted to restore the data and other information
on the tape. However, the software for the backup program,
and the driver for the tape drive were nowhere to be
found. There was a delay of a day or two before we could
locate the appropriate software to read from the backup
interesting note: When backing up Novell, and certain
other systems, it is important to also back up the User
Information, and "Permissions Information"
that is stored on the network. This is the information
regarding individual users and three permissions, as
well as file folders, their owners, and information
about the files they contain.
Lastly: Make sure you keep our backup disk/s in a safe
place. We always recommend that the business owner or
some responsible person take one backup tape, or disk
home with them, or deposit it in a safe deposit box,
at least once a week. We had a client who made full
backups once a week and incremental backups every night.
They had a fire, and fortunately it was contained before
doing significant damage to their building. However,
the computer was fried. Also, the backup tapes had been
left next tot he computer and they too were burned.
They wanted to see if we could retrieve anything from
the hard disk.
installed the hard disk into another machine. No luck!
We had to send the hard disk to a special laboratory
that has clean rooms, where they can open the hard disk,
remove the disk platters and place them in another drive.
They managed to retrieve nearly all the data, which
they delivered to us on dozens of floppies. The client
was very pleased despite the cost, which ran into the
protect your backups. Always have at least one, once
a week, off premises in a safe place. Remember that
your data is sensitive - it could be valuable to others!
Having the backup off-site is your insurance policy
against fire, theft and other serious disasters.
try to save a few dollars, or a few minutes per day,
by avoiding backing up. You will appreciate the time,
discipline and money you spent if and when the day comes
when you are hit with an unexpected disaster!
The process of copying data generally from a hard disk,
to another form of storage - generally a removable storage
medium, such as tape, zip disk, CD, etc.
Medium: The type of storage used for the backup ¾
for example, tape, CD, Zip Disk, floppy disks, etc.
This refers to "compression" of data. Some
very clever people figure out how to take very large
files, and store the data in a different way, greatly
reducing the amount of space such files occupy. Many
tape drives have software which stores the data on the
tape in a compressed format, making it possible to store
roughly twice as much data on the tape. There is an
overhead for this - if you want fast backups, do not
use compression.
There is a popular program, available as shareware,
called Winzip, which is widely used for "Zipping"
(compressing) and "Unzipping" (decompressing)
files. There were previous versions of this in the DOS
world, called PKZIP and PKUNZIP, respectively.
crash: Refers to the unfortunate situation, where your
hard disk stops working altogether, making it impossible
to read from it any longer.
Backup: Many backup programs will allow you to do incremental
backups. You backup the entire hard disk once a week,
then do partial (incremental) backups the rest of the
week, just backing up data that has changed since your
last backup. The software will automatically detect
changed data, or new data. Note that restoring from
such backups provides more challenges than restoring
from a complete backup.
The process of retrieving data from your backup media,
and restoring it to its original home.
Drive: A device which accepts tapes, which can be written
to, or read via use of the tape drive. Tapes are known
as "sequential" storage devices ¾ this
means that the data cannot be located and read "at
will" the way one can with a hard disk.
A popular data compression program - see "Compression".
Disk: A small disk, generally a bit larger and a bit
thicker than a floppy disk. First manufactured by Iomega
Corp. Originally, they would store 100Mb on each disk,
Later, Iomega introduced a 250Mb Zip Disk. You need
the appropriate Zip Drive to read each type of disk,
although the 100Mb disks can be read in the 250Mb drive.
Drive: See "Zip Disk" |