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Scheduling Manager Overview | Full List of Features | Download Demo | Speak to Salesperson
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Features>Job Scheduling
Job Scheduling
4 Different Scheduling Screens
There are 8 different scheduling screens to choose from in Scheduling Manager so you have the most options for viewing your jobs, simply pick the one you like! No other scheduling software has this many options.
multiple job scheduling screens
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Recurring Scheduling
In Scheduling Manager there are over 40 different types of frequencies to choose from.
This means that you can create any kind of schedule you wish!
Recurring frquencies in add job schedule screen
Click image to expand.
Future jobs are added in automatically for you. You simply need to print out your job tickets/work orders for your employees for the next day, next week, or whichever period you wish!
Job Notes
When customers call you can enter job notes for your employees with any special instructions.
You can entire these notes to carry through the entire schedule or for one single job.
There is no need for your office staff to remind the employees, the notes will print out on their service orders!
job notes section in add job schedule screen
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One-Time Changes
It couldn't be easier to make changes to your jobs.
Simply double-click a job and it will explode allowing you to change any details for the job for the day, the charge, job notes, employees assigned, etc.
Make in-time changes for a job appointment
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Entire Schedule Changes
In addition to being able to make one time changes on jobs, you can also make changes to entire schedules.
This will save you enormous amounts of time if, for example, an employee leaves the job permanently, if you increase the job charge for your customer, or if your customer decides they want to to come on a different day.
make changes to job schedules
Click image to expand.
Display Options
In Scheduling Manager, we aim to provide you with software that's as flexible as possible, to give you many options of viewing your data so you get the most from your purchase.
This is why nearly every screen in Scheduling Manager is fully customizable so you can make it look exactly the way you want.
calendar display options ikn Scheduling Manager
Click image to expand.
Job Completions
The best part of Scheduling Manager, where everything comes together, is on the Completions Screen.
It is the simple act of completing a job (as simple as a click of the mouse) that simultaneously updates your accounts receivables (creating an invoice for your customer if desired) and up also updates your employees' payroll information.
Job completions screen in job Scheduling Manager
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This means there is no double entry for you. Everything is updated at the time the completion is performed and all you are left to do is run your reports, or print your invoices or statements. It's that easy.
In addition, the Completions Screen offers you yet another place to modify details of the jobs, if for example, one of your employees did not turn up at the work site.
Bulk Completions
In Scheduling Manager you have the option to complete multiple jobs at the same time. This is perfect if you have many jobs for which the actual job details for work performed were the same as that scheduled.
This means there is no double entry for you. Everything is updated at the time the completion is performed and all you are left to do is run your reports, or print your invoices or statements. It's that easy.
In addition, the Completions Screen offers you yet another place to modify details of the jobs, if for example, one of your employees did not turn up at the work site.
Bulk completions illustration in Scheduling Manager calendar
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